On The Jazz is the first and only electronic newsletter about the A-team. In October 1996 On The Jazz celebrated it's second year of existence. Every two weeks a new issue appears packed with lots of information about the A-team and related subjects.
The early versions of the On The Jazz newsletters were used for discussions between A-team fans, but nowadays there is a E-mail discussion group about the A-team. If you would like to share your thoughts about the A-team, or just listen in on the various discussions, than subscribe right away.
For subscriptions to the newsletter and/or to the discussion group contact Nicole on
Please keep in mind that Nicole is not a machine you're mailing to!
If you can't send mail outside the Netherlands, but can receive it, send me your subscribe message on
I will forward the message to Nicole.
To read old issues of On The Jazz, go to the
for a complete overview of all On The Jazz news letters.
New issues appear every two weeks, however it can take a few days for me to put them on my site.